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Join our directory

Our directory was created so that:

  • Clients can easily find safe and inclusive therapists and wellbeing practitioners

  • Clients can rest assured they do not need to spend precious therapeutic time on educating their professional about their gender, sexuality, or other LGBTQ+ issues

  • Clients and professionals can draw on a trusted network, so that everyone finds the right kind of help for their changing needs

  • Professionals are affiliated to a network of best practice and a shared commitment to the wellbeing of LGBTQ+ people

  • Before completing the form below, please read the Information Pack and Directory agreement

  • Annual Fees:    Individual £35    Organisation £70

Select a Category *

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How can you see clients? *

Upload Documents

Say more about what you do - this will go into the Read more section. You can update anything at a later date*

Add a description of your experience working with LGBTQ+ people, how you work and any areas of specialism - look at others' Read More sections for examples of what to include. If you are pasting text from an external source, remove the formatting when pasting using Ctrl + Shift + V (Command + Shift + V on Mac).

Thanks for submitting your details. We will be in touch shortly :)

Please check all required fields have been completed.

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